About the series
The present series of Research Papers documents the broad range of innovative scholarly work undertaken by RGSL academic staff, students, guest lecturers and visiting scholars from 2011.
ISSN 1691-9254
No. 26
May 2022
Genocide, state responsibility, and obligations erga omnes in the case of the Gambia v. Myanmar before the International Court of Justice
No. 24
November 2021
The protection of minority shareholders during delisting in Germany and in the U.K.
No. 23
September 2020
Succession of states in respect of state responsibility: towards yet another Vienna Convention?
No. 22
February 2020
Human dignity as a foundational value of peremptory norms in international law
No. 21
November 2018
An Analysis of the Nutrition and Allergen Labelling Rules in the EU and their Implications on the Common Market
No. 20
January 2018
A blind casting into the evidential sea: the interplay between fundamental rights and the efficacy of leniency programmes
No. 19
June 2017
Modernization of the current cannabis legal framework and its potential economic gains
No. 18
April 2017
Personal data protection in the EU – cooperation and competences of EU and national data protection institutions and bodies
No. 17
February 2017
Concept of seafarer before and after the Maritime Labour Convention 2016: Comparative analysis of the legal effects of defining legal concepts in the shape of legal terminology
No. 13
April 2016
The legal and economic framework of natural gas supply: the role of Shah Deniz Stage 2
No. 12
March 2016
A voice in the wilderness? Legal linguistics in search of a place in the curriculum
No. 10
March 2013
Interest representation in advocating EU legislative proposals. How active are interest groups in Latvia?
No. 8
December 2012
An economic analysis of the duty to inspect goods pursuant to the CISG and CESL
No. 7
February 2012
Duties and liabilities of company directors under German and Estonian law: a comparative analysis
No. 6
January 2012
Human rights enforcement via peremptory norms – a challenge to state sovereignty
No. 3
January 2011