Official “Shadow day” in Latvia is 12 February, but if you want to come and spend a day with a student of Riga Graduate School of Law, you can apply to shadow them any day.
Paula Kellija, Law & Business Bachelor programme 1st year student: “Last year I shadowed a 1st year RGSL student Hugo Kisils. Throughout this day not only I gained an insight into a student's experience within a school setting by attending various lectures, talking to lecturers themselves and getting to know other RGSL students but I also assured my future university choice. I strongly suggest any student to consider shadowing a student because I found this experience very rewarding,” says Paula. And, as it happens, in December Paula was elected President of the RGSL Student Association and took this duty over from on-one else but Hugo at the RGSL Christmas Ball (pictured).
We can’t promise the shadow day experience will be as fancy as in the picture, still, if you want to shadow our students, please contact the school at office(abols) or Riga Graduate School of Law Student Association directly on Facebook or Instagram.