RGSL Assistant Professor Aleksandrs Potaičuks and Lecturer Anastasija Kaplane co-authored Nordic Council of Ministers book “Public Digitalisation in a legal perspective: Status, challenges and opportunities for Nordic-Baltic cooperation.”
As Dr. Potaičuks and Lecturer Kaplane write in their chapter: “Digitalisation seems to be intervening in all the processes of everyday businesses and life. This makes us reconsider whether digitalisation reforms should be seen as separate and independent at all. Instead, they could be seen as a supplementing element of any reform taking place, be it reform of the health sector or judiciary.”
As underlined by professor Hanne Marie Motzfeldt in the book: “The Nordic and Baltic countries differ from the majority of the EU member states as the Nordic-Baltic countries´ public sectors rank among the most digitalised in the world, and almost all public service and exercise of public authority depend on – assumedly in the light of worsened treats – too vulnerable systems. Therefore, EU information and cybersecurity regulations are inadequate to ensure robust public services and administrations. As information and cybersecurity should not be regarded as issues only relevant to the intelligence services, promoting robustness via coordinated regulatory initiatives in the Nordic-Baltic counties is recommended.”
The book is available here: https://www.norden.org/en/publication/public-digitalisation-legal-perspective