The average income of the year 2020 graduates of the Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) is 35,000 EUR. At the same time, the average income of graduates of masters programmes is 46,000 EUR per year. In turn, the average income of law graduates in the year 2020 after graduation is 28,000 EUR per year.
The 2020 graduate monitoring data shows that 26.6% of RGSL graduates in 2021 continue their studies, while on average in the country this indicator is 19.64% (more specifically, in the block of social sciences it is 17.57%). This shows the active participation of RGSL graduates in the regeneration of highly specialized human capital.
83% of RGSL graduates in 2020 are employed. At the same time, 93.3% of the graduates of 2020 are employed in highly specialized professions in 2021 (this indicator is 100% among graduates of masters programmes), while this indicator is 81.32% on average in the country.
24.4%, or on average, every fourth RGSL graduate has founded his/her own company within a year after graduation, while this indicator among masters graduates is 45.5%. This means that almost every second masters graduate starts their own company within a year of graduation. To compare, with average data in Latvia, this indicator is only 9.4%.
All information is available here: