ESI Student Innovation Programme of the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga invites to join one month course on eco-innovations, which starts already on August 22nd, 2022. Stockholm School of Economics in Riga in the framework of ESI student innovation program invites to join its short education course "Eco-Innovation, Social Responsibility, and Sustainable Management". The course will be taught by Xavier Landes (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga), Dr. Jana Simanovska (Ecodesign Competence Center/Vidzemes University of Applied Sciences) and Maija Krastina (Zero Waste Latvija).
Course goal is to prepare students for a changing world by supporting their creativity and entrepreneurship skills in a direction that is conducive to sustainable development. Therefore, this course is designed to give an overview of contemporary environmental and sustainability challenges as well as preparing future eco-innovators. Students will be introduced to essential areas and topics (including eco design, supply chain management, regulation, climate change) and will undergo practical teamwork where they will formulate an environmental problem, identify an entrepreneurial opportunity, and propose a product/service that addresses this problem.
The course will grant every student 3 ECTS and the course is open to all students from partner Universities (RGSL, LMA & RTA) with no pre-requisites for entry. Students from non-partner Universities must provide proof that attending the course will not interfere with their regular studies. Non-students must have attained at least EQF Level 4 qualification.
Students need to be physically present to the lectures and commit to teamwork (unless alternative arrangements are made with the course convenor). Course will start on August 22nd, will run 4 weeks and will be hosted at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga premises. Course will be held in English.
More detailed information about the course you can find in the course outline.
In order to join the course, the following questionnaire should be filled in.
More information about the ESI Student Innovation Programme and application for other events:
Facebook page:
LinkedIn page:
E-mail: info(abols)
The programme is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, Printify, SEB and RIMI. Project number: