Try it! Participate in the professor’s Kārlis Dišlers constitutional moot court!
Continuing the tradition, European Law Students’ Association in Latvia (ELSA Latvia) invites law students from all universities in Latvia to participate in the XV professor’s Kārlis Dišlers constitutional moot court!
In the national scale, this moot court is currently considered to be the most prestigious and rich in tradition. Every year, eminent legal experts from Latvia are participating as judges. This moot court gives all law students in Latvia the opportunity to prove their skills and knowledge of topical and problematic constitutional law issues. Besides, by participating in the moot court, lawyers-to-be can experience the spirit of court proceedings and acquire the necessary experience and skills needed for the trials, as well as establish important connections that is an essential step for making a successful career in law.
Therefore, maybe the time has come for you, dear student, to prove and challenge yourself by participating in the XV professor’s Kārlis Dišlers constitutional moot court.
Written case analysis should be submitted electronically by email to elsa.latvija(abols)">elsa.latvija(abols)gmail.comuntil the 17th November, 2013, 11:59 PM. The oral part of the moot court will take place on the 7th of December, 2013.
For more information, please contact ELSA Latvia by email: elsa.latvija(abols)">elsa.latvija(abols)