6 February
The presentation of the RGSL anniversary book „European Union and the Rule of Law: Experience of Latvia”
The book contains the contributions and deliberations made within the course of the conference „EU Learning. Democracy through Law”, focused on various legal issues, in particular, EU law and member states, rule of law and fundamental rights, economic impact of judicial decisions.
The volume covers also matters of immigration, integration and criminal law, as well as common foreign and security policy. The authors are prominent Latvian and foreign legal experts, many of the authors are faculty members of the RGSL. The book is meant for readers keeping up with the forward development of EU rule of law and Latvia’s role in this process.
The book „European Union and the Rule of Law: Experience of Latvia” is available at the Library of the Riga Graduate School of Law.
ISBN: 978-9984-798-83-7
E-mail: library(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">library(abols)rgsl.edu.lv
Price: 6,00 LVL (without VAT)