RGSL are looking for outstanding applicants that value knowledge and strive for excellence. Apply for studies at RGSL and you will learn how to see and act beyond borders of disciplines, countries and thinking.
General admission deadline is Wednesday, 8 July 2015. To apply fill in an online application: apply.rgsl.edu.lv
If you have any questions about application procedure or study programmes, please, don't hesitate to contact us:
- for Bachelor prorgammes: start(abols)rgsl.edu.lv
- for Masters programmes and International students: study(abols)rgsl.edu.lv
- for Doctoral programme: doctoralstudies(abols)rgsl.edu.lv
RGSL offers two interdisciplinary Bachelor’s study programmes – Law and Business, and Law and Diplomacy with all teaching in English. Both programmes offer internationally competitive legal education for a breathtaking career and international recognition.
Choose from sevem Masters programmes for your professional growth:
- LL.M in International and European Law (academic programme and professional programme)
- LL.M in Law and Finance
- LL.M in Legal Linguistics
- LL.M in Public International Law and Human Rights
- LL.M in Transborder Commercial Law
- LL.M in European Union Law and Policy
Doctoral programme International and European Law is offered in cooperation with University of Copenhagen.