On 8 October RGSL hosted the seminar 'Doing Research in Political Science: Focus on Principle-Agent Model' (Ilze Ruse, RGSL and Markus Gastinger, EUI).
Within the framework of the DelExPol research project, the RGSL welcomes Markus Gastinger, PhD Candidate from the European University Institute in Florence to participate in a seminar 'Doing Research in Political Science: Focus on Principle-Agent Model'.
On 2 September Riga Graduate School of Law has launched the research project DelExPol: ‘Evaluating the Post-Lisbon Effects of Delegation in the EU External Relations’ that is funded by the FP7 Marie Curie Grant. The project proposal was submitted by RGSL faculty member Dr. Ilze Rūse for PEOPLE Programme of the FP7 and is supervised by Prof. George Ulrich, Rector of RGSL. The research project continues three years and aims at analyzing the coherence of the EU’s external action under the Lisbon Treaty by using innovative political science theoretical tools, i.e. Principal-Agent model. The RGSL as a lead university collaborates with the academic partners in carrying out the project.