On 10 December 2011, for the first time the Riga Graduate School of Law teams participated at the Kārlis Dišlers' constitutional law moot court competition.
In total, four RGSL teams have applied for participation at this moot court competition. RGSL bachelor and master programme students will make a start in the following teams: 1) 1) Luīze Mantiņa, Kristiāna Lauga, Vadims Šeršņovs; 2) Līva Bažbauere, Ilze Krilova un Matīss Rostoks; 3) Katrīne Bušēvica un Reinis Odiņš (Master student at the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia); 4) Renāte Rūse un Zane Kuļikovska.
All RGSL teams have submitted their written memorials for assessment and prepare for the oral part in the hypothetical constitutional court proceedings. The case of this year concerns the compatibility of the Commercial Law rule requiring the disclosure of beneficiaries in offshores with the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia (Satversme).
RGSL teams are coached by RGSL lecturer Ieva Miluna and visiting lecturer Kristine Kruma as advisor.
More information: Dainis Pudelis "Vai no Satversmes izriet tiesības slēpties un neatklāt patiesību". - Jurista Vārds, 2011, 20. decembris