On 13-14 April two RGSL Law and Business Bachelor Programme students participated in the International Student Congress “New Challenges in International Relations” in Istanbul, Turkey. Gulia Rakhimova (Class of 2015) and Veronika Viskubina (Class of 2016) have successfully presented their research paper on cyber terrorism. An abstract of the research was also published in the Maltepe University Publications congress book.
“It was a great experience, as we have not only shared the results of our research, but also have learned different points of view on current topics of more than 80 participants from all around the globe. We have enriched our academic knowledge as well as learned differences of our cultures and appreciated the welcoming of Turkish people and the beauty of Istanbul, it would be our pleasure to attend this event next year again. We encourage every student to participate in such international events – as it brings you in contact with so many inspiring and like-minded people, and becomes the highlight not only in your academic life but your overall life experience,” told students after returning in Riga.
You can find more information on the Congress website: http://scir.maltepe.edu.tr/