On Saturday, 10 September, the 12th Annual Conference of the European Society of International Law (ESIL) in Riga came to a close. Participating in the Conference closing ceremony was Jean-Marc Sauvé, Vice President of the French Council of State. He was also involved in the Conference closing discussion with Latvian Constitutional Court Judge and RGSL ProfessorIneta Ziemele.
During his public lecture, M. Sauvé emphasized what he considers to be the primary causes behind the current international crises. He also stressed the growing role of lawyers, academics and judges in resolving crisis situations worldwide.
In his closing remarks, ESIL President A. Nollkaemper expressed his gratitude to the Conference organizers and lecturers, noting that this conference had been different from previous years owing to all of the new voices and young scholars heard during the conference.
On the third day of the Conference, participants also discussed climate change and international regulation, international legal assistance,international maritime law,decision-making in crisis situations.
The ESIL Conference was hosted by Riga Graduate School of Law and the Latvian Constitutional Court in cooperation with the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Latvian Ministry of Justice and the European Commission. The Conference gathered over 420 participants from 43 countries. The theme of this year’s Conference was “How International Law Works in Times of Crisis”.
We are grateful to all participants and supporters who made this event possible.
The next ESIL Conference will take place in 2017 in Naples, Italy and in 2018 in Manchester, England.
More information and news on the ESIL Conference is available on the official web page: http://esil.rgsl.lv/en/.
Prepared by:
Laura Majevska
RGSL PR and Marketing Manager