RGSL are looking for outstanding applicants that value knowledge and strive for excellence. Apply for studies at RGSL and you will learn how to see and act beyond borders of disciplines, countries and thinking.
Early Admission deadline is Monday,17 March 2014. To apply fill in an online application: apply.rgsl.edu.lv
Why apply early?
- Early Admission Lottery
An Early Admissions Lottery allows this year’s applicants to win one academic year of tuition-free studies – one spot in the Bachelor programmes and one in the Masters programmes. In order to participate, applicants should submit their documents for early admission before 17 March.
- RGSL Tuition Fee Waivers for new Bachelor and Master students from abroad
RGSL offers tuition fee waivers to foreign students on the Bachelor and Masters programmes for the academic year 2014/2015. RGSL strives to make their programmes more accessible to students from Europe and all over the world, and encourages students to enrol in the university that offers a highly respected international law education.
In order to apply for a scholarship which shall cover tuition fee for one academic year, the candidate must submit application documents and a letter of motivation concerning the opportunity to receive this scholarship. The RGSL Tuition Fee Waivers Committee shall review all applications, taking into consideration the applicant's academic performance (overall average grade) and compliance with admission requirements according to the Rules of Admission and Study Agreement. Only those students, who are not currently registered as residents of Latvia, are considered as foreign students and eligible for a study place tuition waiver. The commission may take into account geographical criteria when considering tuition fee waivers.
In the next academic year RGSL will offer one free study place in each Bachelor programme – "Law and Diplomacy" and "Law and Business", and one spot in the Masters programmes – "Law and Finance", "Legal Linguistics" and "International and European Law" (and its sub-programmes). The deadline for the free study place application submission is 17 March 2014.
- Civil Society Leadership Awards for an LL.M programme in Public International Law and Human Rights
RGSL has announced a competition for the Civil Society Leadership Awards for an LL.M programme in Public International Law and Human Rights. 5 full Scholarships are on offer at RGSL to applicants from the following countries: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Laos, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. Successful applicants will receive the following support for studies at RGSL - tuition and mandatory university fees, monthly stipend for room, board, and other living expenses, program-related travel, accident and sickness insurance during the program, funds for educational materials and possible internship support. The deadline for the application submission is 17 March 2014. Learn more:Civil Society Leadership Awards.