The Soros Foundation - Latvia and the Riga Graduate School of Law organizes the international conference "Post-Socialist Justice After Two Decades" in 11-12 October 2012.
The conference brings together experts working in the field of human rights. It aims to examine legal aspects of the application of human rights in post-socialist countries twenty years after the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of socialist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe. These aspects can best be explored by placing the issues into a wider historical, social and political context. An objective is to identify characteristic problems in upholding the rule of law and safeguarding human rights in post-socialist countries, as well as positive lessons that can be learned from the post-socialist transition to democracy.
More information:
Article in "Jurista Vards", 2012, No 43 (23 October) by Ilze Dubava "Tiesiskuma problēmas postsociālistiskajās valstīs: Par tiesību telpu 20 gadus pēc komunisma sabrukuma"