Riga Graduate School of Law is taking part in a Career Week in Riga offering public lectures for students of secondary schools.
On Tuesday, 8 October RGSL offered serie of lectures by our faculty. Law and Finance Programme Director Waleed Gumaa talked about reasons to study business, Docent Inese Druviete gave lecture on why study law and Visiting Professor Žaneta Ozoliņa talked about reasons to study diplomacy.
On Thursday, 10 October RGSL invites students from secondary schools (10. - 12. class) participate in an open lecture by Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia Daniels Pavļuts at 11.00. Number of places at the lecture are limited, so please register in advance by email liena.muraskina(abols)rgsl.edu.lv.
Please, contact PR consultant Liena Muraškina (liena.muraskina(abols)rgsl.edu.lv, 26300702) about other possibilities to visit RGSL.
Potential students are welcome to attend Open Days at RGSL on 21 November, 8 March or 29 May.