Riga Graduate School of Law and the Law Faculty of the University of Copenhagen jointly call for applications for doctoral studies in:
- international human rights law
- international public law
- international private law
Up to two fully paid positions as PhD Research Fellows will be available for research starting in January 2015 in a joint Doctoral programme offered by Riga Graduate School of Law and the University of Copenhagen.
The study period is 3 years and exclusively in the English language. During the studies doctoral students will write and defend a doctoral dissertation, have teaching commitments, and complete courses offered by both host institutions and elsewhere.
The application deadline is 24 September 2014. For more information, please, visit Call for applications.
For inquiries
- E-mail: doctoralstudies(abols)rgsl.edu.lv">doctoralstudies(abols)rgsl.edu.lv
- Phone : +371 67039256