Student Association of Riga Graduate School of Law in cooperation with Riga Graduate School of Law invites you to participate in Riga Moot Court competition, which will be held from 26 to 27 May this year.
This year’s topic is Public International Law and it is open to all laws students in Latvia and abroad. Attending an international Moot Court competition is a great opportunity to develop not only deeper knowledge in the respective field of law, but also the skills needed in an occupational career such as personal and rhetorical skills and, in particular, team work abilities. The participation in a Moot Court competition is thus highly appreciated in professional environments and strongly recommended for the legal career.
This year Riga Moot Court sponsor is law firm „ Klotiņi & Serģis” which is internationally recognized company and which is a member of „European Law Firm” network.
Teams may register until the 30th of April, following the link: The grand prize for the best team is 500 EUR.
If you have any questions regarding the competition, please contact SA board through: sa_board(abols)">sa_board(abols)