On 31 October 2019 Riga Graduate School of Law held the annual conference devoted to the issues of human rights in Latvia, organised in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia. The conference was held at Riga Graduate School of Law.
The speakers of the conference were President of the Constitutional Court and RGSL Professor Ineta Ziemele, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights and Associate Professor of RGSL Mārtiņš Mits, Representative of Latvia before International Human Rights Organisations Kristīne Līce, Head of the Supreme Court's Division of Case-law and Research Anita Zikmane, Visiting Lecturer of RGSL Arina Melse. The conference was opened by the RGSL Rector Dr. Pietro Sullo.
During the discussion, participants were introduced to the issues that are currently important for the common European defence of human rights, recent developments of the European Court of Human Rights as well as its latest rulings in the Latvian cases.
These discussions have a stable position in the range of academic and professional activities in Latvia. They are attended by representatives of various legal professions – judges of the Constitutional and general jurisdiction courts and their assistants, prosecutors, lawyers, ministry officials, members of the Latvian Parliament and representatives of its Legal Bureau, representatives of the Ombudsman’s Office and non-governmental organisations, students. The discussion sought to consolidate the academic and professional aspects of challenges in the application of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in Latvia, to raise awareness about current problems and their possible solutions. Therefore, the discussion was primarily aimed at those whose professional activities are related to the observance of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, but at the same time, this conference was a useful source of information on current issues of protection of human rights in Latvia for everyone interested.
The videos of the conference (in Latvian) are available below:
- Konferences moderatore Inese Freimane-Deksne, LL.M
- Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas rektors Dr. Pietro Sullo
- Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas tiesnesis Dr. Mārtiņš Mits
- Satversmes tiesas priekšsēdētāja, Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas profesore Dr. Ineta Ziemele
Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas aktualitātes un Lielā palāta
Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas tiesnesis, Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas asociētais profesors Dr. Mārtiņš Mits
Jaunākie Eiropas Cilvēktiesību tiesas nolēmumi Latvijas lietās
Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas vieslektore Dr. Arina Melse
Latvija cilvēktiesību mehānismos – ANO, Eiropas Padome, u.c
Latvijas pārstāve starptautiskajās cilvēktiesību institūcijās Kristīne Līce
Diskusiju moderē Inese Freimane-Deksne
Satversmes tiesa un pamattiesību ievērošana Latvijā
Satversmes tiesas priekšsēdētāja, Rīgas Juridiskās augstskolas profesore Dr. Ineta Ziemele
Jaunākā Augstākās tiesas judikatūra cilvēktiesību īstenošanas jomā
Augstākās tiesas judikatūras un zinātniski analītiskās nodaļas vadītāja Anita Zikmane
Jautājumi no zāles
Diskusija "Tiesības uz kompensāciju par cilvēktiesību pārkāpumiem"
Diskusiju moderē Inese Freimane-Deksne