The average income of RGSL masters programmes graduates in Latvia is 46,000 EUR per year a year after graduation, according to a study by the Latvian Ministry of Education and Science. In turn, the average income of y2020 law graduates a year after graduation in Latvia is 28,000 EUR per year.
24.4%, or on average, every fourth RGSL graduate has founded his/her own company within a year after graduation, while this indicator among masters graduates is 45.5%. In Latvia on average, this indicator is only 9.4%.
If you want to become a RGSL graduate in a year, join our Masters studies now! Go to and submit your application by 24 August!
This year, RGSL offers LL.M. degrees in the following one-year programmes:
• Law and Finance
• Technology Law
• Public International Law and Human Rights
• EU Law and Policy
Studies in English, students and faculty from more than 30 countries, interdisciplinary programmes, convenient module study system and competitive, internationally recognized LL.M. degree – these are the main reasons our students choose us.
Don’t be late – admissions are open until 24 August!
Apply here