Congrats to our Bachelor programmes applicants - high school graduates on receiving their education certificates and Centralized Exams results. Now is the time to complete your applications to become students of Riga Graduate School of Law. If you have any questions left on the application process, come to our online workshop and get them answered.
Workshop: successful admission
Tuesday, 28 July at 16:00
• 16:00 – 16:10 Opening speech and all about RGSL: Ieva Rācenāja, RGSL Director
• 16:10 – 16:20 What are the final steps for successful admission? Liene Briede, Head of Study department
• 16:20 – 16:35 Study process and opportunities at RGSL. What can you already do to prepare for the studies? Laura Ratniece, Bachelor Programme Director
• 16:35 – 16:45 Student perspective: Hugo Kisils, RGSL Law and Business Bachelor programme 3rd year student
• 16:45 – 16:55 Student life at RGSL: Paula Kellija, RGSL Law and Business Bachelor programme 2nd year student, President of the RGSL Student Association
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