Public Lecture “Why Corruption Threatens Global Security?” will be led by Sarah Chayes from the U.S. It will take place on 29 June, 11:00.
Sarah Chayes is a senior fellow in Carnegie’s Democracy and Rule of Law program. Ms Chayes is internationally recognized for her innovative thinking on corruption and its implications. Her work explores how severe corruption can help prompt such crises as terrorism, revolutions and their violent aftermaths, and environmental degradation.
Before joining Carnegie, Chayes served as special assistant to the top U.S. military officer, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, and, before that, as special adviser to two commanders of the international troops in Afghanistan (ISAF). Before that, Ms Chayes received several awards for her reporting for the National Public Radio, reporting from Paris and Afghanistan. After covering the fall of the Taliban, Ms Chayes in 2002 decided to remain in Afghanistan to help rebuild the country, settling in the former Taliban heartland, Kandahar. In 2005, Chayes founded Arghand, a start-up manufacturing cooperative, where men and women working together produce fine skin-care products. The goal was to revive the region’s historic role in exporting fruit and its derivatives, to promote sustainable development, and expand alternatives to the opium economy. Ms Chayes is the author of two books: Thieves of State: Why Corruption Threatens Global Security, which won the 2016 Los Angeles Times Book Prize, and The Punishment of Virtue: Inside Afghanistan After the Taliban (Penguin, 2006).
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