2019. gadā RJA bibliotēkā tiek piedāvāta vērtīgas juridiskās literatūras kolekcija no Kluwer Digital Book Platform (meklēšanā jāizmanto Subscribed izvēlne). Jau otro gadu bibliotēka, pateicoties Sorainen ilgtermiņa finansiālam atbalstam, izvēlas e-grāmatas, kuras lasītāji var izmantot, pieslēdzoties RJA IP adrešu laukam. Ir pieejamas sekojošas grāmatas (saites nodrošinās pieeju pilnajiem tekstiem - Read now):
- European Economic Law 4th Edition (2019) / Alberto Santa Maria
- The European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration:A Commentary (2019) / Gerold Zeiler, Alfred Siwy
- International Business Transactions Fundamentals. 2nd Edition (2018) / Ronald A. Brand
- GDPR: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679:Post-Reform Personal Data Protection in the European Union. (2018) / Mariusz Krzysztofek
- Remedies Concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements (2018)
- Digital Innovation in Financial Services:Legal Challenges and Regulatory Policy Issues (2018) / Phoebus L. Athanassiou
- Substantive Law in Investment Treaty Arbitration:The Unsettled Relationship Between International Law and Municipal Law. 2nd Edition (2017) / Monique Sasson
- Understanding the CISG:A Compact Guide to the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. 5th Edition (2017) / Joseph Lookofsky
- Introduction to Intellectual Property: Theory and Practice. 2nd Edition (2017) / World Intellectual Property Organization
- Infringement Proceedings in EU Law. (2017) / Luca Prete
- Shareholders' Duties (2017) / Hanne S. Birkmose
- International Investment Agreements and EU Law. (2016) / Tomáš Fecák
- Communications and Competition Law:Key Issues in the Telecoms, Media and Technology Sectors. (2014) /
- FIDIC: An Analysis of International Construction Contracts. (2005) / Robert Knutson