Trešdien, 3. aprīlī, Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā notika ASV vēstniecības Rīgā pārstāvju publiskās lekcijas par ASV diplomātiju:
- Eimija Storova (Amy Storrow), ASV vēstniecības Rīgā preses un kultūras atašeja, uzstājās ar lekciju "Pārsteigumi ASV diplomāta dzīvē"
- Kerija Spindlere - Ranta (Kerri Spindler-Ranta), ASV vēstniecības Rīgā kultūras atašeja, uzstājās ar lekciju "Kultūras diplomātija"
Lekcijas ir daļa no bakalaura programmas kursa RBB186 Diplomātija un konfliktu risināšana, bet to aicināti apmeklēt arī citi bakalaura un maģistra studiju programmu studenti, it sevišķi RJA programmas "Tiesības un diplomātija" studenti.
Amy Storrow joined the U.S. Department of State in 2004. She has served in Hermosillo, Mexico; Skopje, Macedonia; and now in Riga, where she is the Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Embassy. Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Amy worked as a writer, editor, and teacher. She holds a B.A. from Georgetown University, an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University, and an M.F.A. from the University of Houston. She speaks Spanish, Albanian, and Latvian.
Kerri Spindler-Ranta is the Cultural Attaché at the US Embassy in Riga where she began her tour in July, 2011. Her professional background is in NGO administration and business development. She was a Fulbright Fellow in South Korea in 2002 and in 2008 she served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mauritania, West Africa. Ms. Spindler-Ranta graduated from Hamilton College in New York with a Bachelor’s degree in Comparative Literature. She speaks Russian and French.