Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā notika Dr. Mel Kenny (Leičesteras universitāte, Lielbritānija) publiskā lekcija
"Cīņa par ES tiesību garu. Efektivitātes principa mainīgā ģeometrija ES tiesībās: starp postmodernismu un likumdošanas redukciju".
This presentation scrutinises the effectiveness of EU law in the wake of Traghetti and Elchinov. The presentation examines effectiveness whether as a doctrine emerging from a number of intermeshing doctrines, or as an autonomous Governance concept itself reinforcing EU law doctrines. The presentation illuminates divergent national enforcement perceptions; confirming the variable effectiveness of EU law. The presentation goes on to reflect on the implications of EU ECHR accession; and to contrast proposals for the further constitutionalisation of EU jurisdiction with the DCFR model. The presentation underscores the need for a re-examination of judicial methodology and to challenge the apparent attraction of legislative reduction.