On 3 November 2014 Riga Graduate School of Law hosted Judicial Training Sessions in the framevork of the corss-border project "JudgeCo Project".
Over the last years Europe has faced a strong increase of cross-border insolvency cases. To improve cooperation between courts in different Member States in these cases, Leiden Law School and Nottingham Law School have been working on what is called the "EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles and Guidelines" ("JudgeCo Project").
The creation of the "EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles and Guidelines" is part of a larger EU initiative called "European Cross-Border Insolvency: Promoting Judicial Cooperation". This initiative is being promoted by the European Commission's Directorate General on Justice. Professors Bob Wessels (Leiden) and Paul Omar (Nottingham) act as reporters for the "JudgeCo Project" and are assisted by a group of some forty insolvency experts, including twenty judges from across Europe.
Between October and December 2014 several Judicial Training Sessions are taking place in cities across Europe, including Riga. 14 judges from Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Romania, the Netherlands and Germany participated in the Riga session at RGSL. These training sessions enable judges to test the EU Cross-Border Insolvency Court-to-Court Cooperation Principles and Guidelines and provide comments as to their usefulness in practice. Also, it allows judges to enlarge their European network and to discuss other pending issues with colleagues.
For more information on the JudgeCo Project: http://www.tri-leiden.eu/projects/judgeco-project