Otrdien, 11. novembrī plkst. 13.00 Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā notiks diplomāta un starptautisko attiecību eksperta Duglasa Veika (Douglas Wake) publiskā lekcija par Eiropas Drošības un sadarbības organizācija (EDSO) cilvēktiesību dimensiju. Lekcija notiks angļu valodā maģistra programmas kursa "Changing European Human Rights Law" ietvaros.
Lekcija notiks RJA, Strēlnieku ielā 4k-2, Rīgā, W-23 telpā (2. stāvā). Lekcija ir atvērta visiem interesentiem.
Douglas Wake is senior diplomat, international civil servant and educator with career focused on human rights, democracy, development, conflict prevention and post-conflict stabilization. Currently spending three months engaged in research, writing and teaching in association with the think-tank and academic community in Riga, Latvia.
He have extensive experience in multilateral engagement through the United Nations and the OSCE and direct United States Government efforts to enhance security and promote successful political and economic transitions, especially in post-conflict and post-Communist states. Served from 2009 to 2013 as a top manager of OSCE/ODIHR, the main democracy and human rights institution of the world's largest regional security arrangement.