27. februārī Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā notika ASV vēstniecības Latvijā Politiskās nodaļas vadītājas Deborah Miller vieslekcija "Vienlīdzības principa darba tiesiskajās attiecībās vēsture Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs".
Deborah Miller currently serves as the Political and Economic Section Chief at the U.S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia. She has previously served at U.S. missions in India, Georgia, and Russia as well as in the Office of Russian Affairs at the Department of State in Washington, DC. Prior to joining the U.S. Foreign Service, she worked for Thomson/Reuters Group in its legal publishing division and practiced law in Washington, DC. She earned a J.D. from George Washington Law School and a B.A. from Pennsylvania State University.