Kanādas vēstniecība Rīgā un Rīgas Juridiskā ausgtskola ielūdz jūs piedalīteis lekcijā par Kanādas un Eiropas Savienības visaptverošo ekonomikas un tirdzniecības nolīgumu (CETA), kurā uzstāsies Stīvs Verheuls (Steve Verheul), Kanādas galvenais tirdzniecības pārrunu vadītājs starp Kanādu un ES attiecībā uz CETA.
Lūdzam apstiprināt savu dalību, rakstot e-pastu laila.kirsa(abols)international.gc.ca">laila.kirsa(abols)international.gc.ca vai zvanot 67813949.
If you are interested in the EU, Law, International Diplomacy or any related field, you won't want to miss a discussion about CETA and the benefits of this ground-breaking agreement for the European Union. For example, studies show that CETA could deliver a 20% boost in bilateral trade and a 11.6 billion euro annual increase to the EU economy. And did you know that when CETA comes into force 98% of all Canadian and EU tariff lines will be duty —free? Come to the lecture and Iearn more!
The lecture will be Ied by Steve Verheul, who has been Canada’s Chief Trade Negotiator on CETA since 2009. He will share his expertise on the agreement with a focus on the benefits for the European Union. Steve Verheul worked for the Government of Canada on negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and the Uruguay Round of trade negotiations that led to the establishment of the WTO.
The Canada-EU summit on 26 September in Ottawa marked the end of the negotiations of the EU-Canada trade agreement (CETA). Currently the text of the agreement undergoes a legal scrubbing.