Piektdien, 2015. gada 23. janvārī RJA notiks publiska bijušā RJA rektora, tiesību profesora Dr. Džona Burke (Dr. John JA Burke) vieslekcija "Liability for audit failure based upon law and economic theory". Lekcija notiks plkst. 16.00 W42 telpā (4.stāvā) bakalaura prorgammas kursa "Banking and Securities Law" ietvaros.
Vieslekcijā ir aicināti piedalīties RJA un citu augstākās izglītības iestāžu studenti, mācībspēki un praktiķi. Lekcija notiks angļu valodā.
Dr. John JA Burke is a Professor of Law, School of Law, Almaty Management University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; former Chair and Professor of Law, KIMEP University, Almaty, Kazakhstan; Professor and Rector of the Riga Graduate School of Law, Latvia, and subsequently Rector of International University Audentes, Estonia; Advisor to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia; Counsel to the New Jersey Legislature [retired]; Arbitrator; held several positions in the private and public sector as practising advocate.