26. un 27. jūnijā Rīgas Juridiskajā augstskolā jau trešo gadu pēc kārtas norisināsies ikgadējās Baltijas šķīrējtiesu dienas, kuru galvenā tēma būs "International enforcement of arbitration awards and arbitration in transport related disputes". Konferences ietvaros uzrunu teiks RJA Tiesības un finanses programmas direktors Valīds Gumā (Waleed Gumaa), savukārt piektiden, 27. jūnijā, diskusiju paneli "International Enforcement of Arbitral Awards, Country Reports" vadīs RJA docente Dr. Inese Druviete.
Informācija par reģistrāciju un programma
The Baltic Arbitration Days 2014 conference topics cover country reports and specific issues of international enforcement of arbitration awards and give an insight to arbitration in transport related disputes, including shipping. Conference participants will have a unique opportunity to learn about current trends in Germany, Scandinavia, the Baltic States, Central and Eastern Europe.
Last year´s Baltic Arbitration Days conference was attended by more than 120 participants from 14 countries and provided cutting edge advice from top arbitration practitioners, including Dr. Galina Žukova (former Counsel at the ICC International Court of Arbitration), Prof. Dr. Vytautas Nekrosius (Chairman of Vilnius Court of Commercial Arbitration), Jānis Tiesnieks (Attorney-at-law, Chairman of Presidium at Baltic International Arbitration Court) and a wide range of experienced practitioners and arbitrators.