Nāciet uz RĪgas Juridiskās augstskolas (RJA) atvērto durvju dienu rīt, 2. februārī no plkst 11:00 līdz 13:00 Strēlnieku ielā 4 k-2. RJA direktore Ieva Rācenāja, studenti, pasniedzēji un absolventi iepazīstinās ar augstskolu, bakalauru un maģistru programmām, Erasmus apmaiņas studiju un prakses iespējām.
Atvērto durvju dienas programma (angliski)
11:00 – 11:15 Opening speech and all about RGSL, Ieva Rācenāja, RGSL Director
11:15 – 12:30 In-depth Masters programmes presentation for potential Masters students, RGSL Masters Programme Director Waleed Gumaa in W41
11:15 – 11:45 Bachelor programme presentation, Justīne Elferte, Head of the RGSL International department and RGSL Alumni, Liene Briede, RGSL Bachelor Programme Manager
11:45 – 12:00 RGSL Alumni stories, Marta Cera, Associate and Assistant Attorney at Law at Ellex Klavins, specializes in Banking & Finance and Corporate M&A, Alumni of Law and Business bachelor programme;
12:00 – 12:15 RGSL Alumni stories, Rūdolfs Kaļķis, KYC Project manager in Corporate Banking at Swedbank, Alumni of Law and Diplomacy bachelor programme.
12:15 – 12:30 Student life at RGSL, Jēkabs Hugo Kisils, President of the RGSL Student Association
12:30 – 13:00 Coffee and networking