The Riga Graduate School of Law Interdisciplinary Studies is a recently launched interdisciplinary publication series of refereed articles which critically analyse current issues in European and international studies. While embracing constitutional, institutional and substantive legal issues, the series aims to integrate legal, economic, philosophical, political and social science perspectives. Titles in the Riga Graduate School of Law Interdisciplinary Studies series are intended to be of particular interest to academics, policy makers and practitioners, as well as national and international governmental and non-governmental institutions and bodies.
The editors of the series welcome contributions on a broad range of topics in particular in the areas covered by the RGSL bachelor and masters programmes: international and European law, European law and policy, public international law and human rights, trans-border commercial law, law and diplomacy, law and business, law and technology.
You can download Authors Guidelines here. Please note that manuscripts are refereed before acceptance. Authors are responsible for securing in advance of submission any copyright clearances necessary for the publication of their work.
Please submit manuscripts or any inquiries to the Publications Officer Ligita Gjortlere.