Projekts: Pamattiesības Eiropas Savienības robežās
Projekta vadītājs: Ieva Rācenāja
Laika periods: 2017–2020
Galvenie pasākumi:
- Konference “Pamattiesības: patērētāju aizsardzība” 2018. gada 18. un 19. jūnijā
- Konference "Konkurence, lielie dati un pamattiesības" 2018. gada 6. un 7. decembrī
- Konference "Konstitucionālās tiesības un pamattiesības" 2019. gada 25. un 26. aprīlī
- Konference "Pamattiesības Eiropas Savienības pierobežā" 2019. gada 20. un 21. jūnijā
With the support of Erasmus + Programme, RGSL will run series of conferences to explore fundamental rights in a holistic way: going beyond the division in fundamental rights discourse between public and private lawyers, to examine fundamental rights at the frontiers, not simply of ‘Europe’ in terms of extra-territoriality, but to illuminate the diverse comparative, jurisprudential, political, economic, constitutional and cultural perspectives of those rights.
Given the turbulent environment with which the EU is now confronted, in which fundamental rights are so intensely contested, the project asks whether we have to re-conceptualise our understanding of the idea to align it to the new World order? In this project Riga Graduate School of Law (RGSL) aims to achieve objectives critical to its mission in its broadest, multidisciplinary and ‘open society’ sense; objectives shared with Erasmus+ and the Jean Monnet initiative.
We aim to:
- deepen RGSL’s specialisation in EU studies;
- publish two collections of proceedings;
- heighten the visibility of RGSL research;
- galvanise the next generation of students;
- widely disseminate our results, using the latest technology;
- collaborate across the EU and with our partners in the Neighbourhood States;
- enter the policy debate with decision-makers and civil society.