Ph.D in Economics, European University Institute Florence, 2005
Master in Economics, University “Luigi Bocconi” Milan, 1998
BA in Economics, University of Rome “La Sapienza” Rome, 1997
Nozīmīgākā profesionālā pieredze
- Associate Professor of Economics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, current –
- Vice Dean – School of Economics University of Rome “Tor Vergata”,current –
- External Professor: Riga Graduate School of Law, University of Lyon, University of Darmstadt, University of Rome LUISS “Guido Carli”, current –
Aktuālais pētniecības darbs
- Macroeconomics, European Economics, History of Economic Thought
Galvenās publikācijas
- “On the relevance of Keynes to the contemporary world: post-crisi views on economic policy, capitalism and international monetary reform”, Annals of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, 2017
- “The wartime economy and the theory of price controls”, con Annalisa Rosselli, in Y. Ikeda e Annalisa Rosselli (a cura di), War in the History of Economic Thought, Frances and Taylor, 2017
- “Speculative pricing in the Liverpool cotton futures market: a nonlinear tale of noise traders and fundamentalists from the 1920s” con Giulio Cifarelli, Cliometrica, 2016, vol. 10, pp. 31-54
- “Quoted Spreads and Trade Imbalances Dynamics in the European Treasury Bond Market”, with G.M.Caporale (Brunel University) and A.Girardi (ISAE), The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2012, vol 52, pp.173-182
- “Inflation and inflation uncertainty in the euro area”, with G.M.Caporale e L. Onorante, Empirical Economics, 2011, 1-19
- “Structural Reforms and Fiscal Discipline in Europe”, with A.Girardi, Transition Studies Review, 2008/2, pp. 389-402
- “Monetary Policy and Stock Market Risk Perception in the US”, with M.Bagella, and R.Ciciretti, Emerging topics in Baking and Finance, Emma J. Fuchs and Finn Braun (eds.), NOVA SCIENCE, 2008, pp. 187-201
- “The Transfer Problem in the Euro Area: a cointegration analysis”, with A.Girardi, Open Economies Review, 2008, pp. 517-537
- “Transparency in the European Bond Market”, with G. Piga, Transition Studies Review, 2007/1.