Doctor of Political Science (, University of Latvia, 2007
Master of Political Science (M.A. pol. sc.), University of Latvia, 2002
She has also studied Political Science at the WWU Münster (Germany)
Since 2001 Marika Laizāne-Jurkāne works as a lecturer at the University of Latvia. She has also worked as Consultant in the Interparliamentary Relations Bureau of the Parliament of Latvia and Secretary General of the Baltic Assembly. She has worked as the project manager and advisor for the cooperation projects with Benelux, Nordic, Baltic Sea Region and Eastern Partnership countries. Currently she fulfills duties of the Head of Administration of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia.
Core research interests include regional cooperation, Baltic Sea regional cooperation, Baltic States – Russia relations, negotiations strategies and tactics.
- The Baltic Assembly – a Parliamentary Forum of the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania. In: Presidium of the Baltic Assembly/Secretariat of the Baltic Assembly (eds.). The Baltic Assembly 1991 – 2001. Tallinn: Tallinna Raamatutrukokoja OU, 2001, p. 3-2 – 3-28.
- Baltijas Asambleja: problēmas un perspektīvas. Sk.: Ikstens J., Ozoliņa Ž., Prikulis J., Rajevska F. (redkol.) Politikas zinātnes jautājumi. Zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Rīga: 2002, LU, 89. – 116.lpp.
- Reģionālās organizācijas un to nozīme starptautiskās politikas teorijā. Sk.: Ozoliņa Ž., Tisenkopfs T. (redkol.) Politika un Socioloģija. Latvijas Universitātes Raksti. 663.sējums. Rīga: Zinātne, 2004, 105. – 117.lpp.
- Development Trends of the Regional Cooperation Organisations in the Baltic Sea Region. Latvia’s Strategy. In: Ozoliņa Ž. (ed.) Latvia in International Organisations. Rīga: Zinātne, 2005, pp. 129 – 154
- Autoru kolektīvs. Latvija starptautiskajās organizācijās. Skat.: Ozoliņa Ž. Politikas gadagrāmata. Latvija 2004. Rīga: Zinātne, 79.-88.lpp.
- Baltic Assembly – New Challenges? In: The Baltic Assembly 15. Sk.: Fifteen Years of the Baltic Assembly. Jelgava: Jelgava Printing House, 2006, p. 52 – 59
- Krievija un Baltijas valstu reģionālās organizācijas. Skat.: Ozoliņa Ž. (red.) Latvija – Krievija – X. Zinātniski pētnieciskie raksti. 1 (12) 2007. Rīga: Zinātne, 2007, 154. – 186.lpp.
- Nordic Cooperation on Foreign and Security Policy. In: Ozoliņa Ž. (ed.) Rethinking security. Rīga: Zinātne, 2010, pp.168 – 198
- The Baltic Sea Strategy: Illusions and Perils. In: Ozoliņa Ž., Reinholde I., Rostoks T. (eds). EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region: A Year After and Beyond. Rīga: Zinātne, 2010, pp. 233-248