Access to databases
The RGSL Law Library offers students, researchers, and legal professionals access to the following full text databases. Access is limited to IP address authenticated within the RGSL network. Authorized users (LAIS password required) can access databases using RGSL Portal (link Library Databases) or VPN access for remote use.
West’s online legal research service providing fast and easy access to an extensive collection of legal resources, news, business, and public records information. Westlaw offers access to a complete and fully integrated legal and business research system. More than 28,000 databases offer both broad and deep coverage. List of sources
access to easily searchable databases of UK case law, legislation, news, journals, commentary, Current Awareness alerts and EU legal materials. Over 100 journals and access to abstracts of every article in every English-language legal journal in Europe via the Legal Journals Index. More information
offers the world’s largest collection of electronic, image-based periodicals from inception (fully-searchable and in pdf format including all charts, graphs, pictures, photographs, and footnotes). Database consists of four major collections: the Law Journal Library (more than 1,100 journals), the Federal Register Library, the Treaties and Agreements Library (all U.S. Treaties and Agreements, whether in-force, expired, or yet-to-be published), and the U.S. Supreme Court Library. List of sources
includes treasures of some of the world’s best international law publications, from the in-depth coverage of publications of prominent Yearbooks from around the world and series the American Society of International Law to the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice and the publications of dozens of other highly-respected publishers. List of sources
access to the latest e-books. Please choose SUBSCRIBED CONTENT and turn off pop-up blocker
offers full texts of articles from the journals published by Kluwer Law International (archive and recent issues)
Please choose option: Only search content I have access to.
Database provides access to the books and journals published by the Cambridge University Press.
Oxford University Press's academic research platform, providing access to over full texts of books and journals in Law and Politics.
contains full-text online editions of market-leading reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press, such as Oppenheim's International Law, Simma's Commentary on the UN Charter, Crawford's Creation of States in International Law a.o.
Please follow Database Sign-up Guide. For convenient way of downloading an e-book or it’s part, it is compulsorily to create a personal account (profile) while at the RGSL network. Usage of the database will be possible outside RGSL via personal account hereafter.
includes Academic Search Complete, eBook Collection, MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection, MasterFILE Premier, Newspaper Source, GreenFILE, MEDLINE data bases.
includes 155,000+ titles, over 515+ parent publishers, including Taylor & Francis, Wiley, Elsevier, Brill, Bloomsbury, and more, over 58,000+ titles from more than 140 university presses, including Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, and more.
world’s leading scientific database. Full texts available from the Freedom Collection (list of journal titles)
OECD’s Online Library for books, papers and statistics and the gateway to OECD’s analysis and data.
Digital library of books and other primary sources as well as current issues of journals.
Latvian weekly legal newspaper including an archive of “Jurista Vārds”. Access using your own password or via LU databases with LUIS password (
Search in University ot Latvia subscribed online databases and Union Catalog. Authorizing by your LUIS username and password you can access full-texts subscribed by UL and use services of the Electronic Union Catalog.