Master of Social Work (Joint Masters degree Mykolas Romeris University/Riga Stradins University, 2018); Cleveland International Programme (post-graduate studies at the Case Western Reserve University The Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, 1993-1994); Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy (University of Latvia, 1992)
Job Experience
- ERASMUS Institutional Coordinator (part-time), Riga Graduate School of Law, 2012-now
- Visiting Lecturer in Mediation and ADR, Riga Graduate School of Law, 2018-now
- Visiting Lecturer in Cross-Cultural Social Work and Mediation in Theory and Practice, Riga Stradins University, 2016-now
- Head of Youth social mentoring programme (part-time), Mentor Latvia, 2019-2023
- Director of Continuing Legal Education Programme (1999-2010), Bachelor programme coordinator (2010-2012), Riga Graduate School of Law
- UNHCR National Liaison Officer, External Affairs and Public Information Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Liaison Office for the Baltic Countries 1996-1999
- Executive Assistant to the Resident Representative, United Nations Development Programme 1994-1996
Other Professional Experience
- Chair of the Board (2021-), mediator and founding member of the Association „Mediation and ADR” (2006-),
- Lead trainer / Visiting lecturer in mediation (for universities, governmental and municipal institutions, NGOs)