(University of Latvia, 2018) (University of Latvia, 2016)
Significant Professional Experience
- Lecturer, Economy and Social Science Faculty, University of Latvia
- Scientific assistant, Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, University of Latvia, 2021-present
- Researcher, the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, 2021-2022
- Junior Researcher, the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, 2021-2022
- Assistant of the Secretary of the Parliament, the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia, 2017-2021
Current research
- Sustainable and effective employment regulation in local government: an analysis of the institute of redeployment
Main publications
- Stučka, M. (2024). Political Budget Cycles and Mayoral Influence in Latvian Municipalities: An Examination of Revenue, Expenditure, and Electoral Dynamics. Viešoji politika ir administravimas (Public policy and Administration).
- Stučka, M. (2023). Local Leadership During the Territorial Amalgamation Process – The Case of Latvia. Central European Public Administration Review, 21(1), 61–84.
- Reinholde, I., Stučka, M. (2022). Latvia: Electoral drama in local governments. In: Gendzwill, A., Kjaer, U., & Steyvers, K. (Eds.). The Routledge handbook of local elections and voting in Europe. Routledge. 303-315.
- Reinholde, I., Āboliņa, I., Stučka, M. (2022). Advisory councils at the local level: Do they add value for participation? In: Egner, B., Heinelt, H., Lysek, J., Silva, P., Teles, F. (eds) Perspectives on Local Governance Across Europe. Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- Reinholde, I., Āboliņa, I., Stučka, M. (2021). Local State-Society Relations in Latvia. In: Teles F., Gendźwiłł A., Stănuș C., Heinelt H. (eds) Close Ties in European Local Governance. Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. 231-242.
- Stučka, M., Otzulis, V. (2021). Politiskā drošība. No: Latvijas iedzīvotāju subjektīvā drošības uztvere: ietekme uz drošības politikas veidošanu. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. Zinātniskās redaktores: prof. Dr. paed. Žaneta Ozoliņa, prof. Dr. Sc. pol. Iveta Reinholde, Mg. Sc. Pol. Sigita Struberga.
- Stučka, M., Kārkliņš, H. (2021). Vides drošība. No: Latvijas iedzīvotāju subjektīvā drošības uztvere: ietekme uz drošības politikas veidošanu. Rīga: LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. Zinātniskās redaktores: prof. Dr. paed. Žaneta Ozoliņa, prof. Dr. Sc. pol. Iveta Reinholde, Mg. Sc. Pol. Sigita Struberga.
- Reinholde, I., Stučka, M. (2019). Urban governance in Latvia: feeling urban and thinking rural. In: Armondi S., De Gregorio Hurtado S., Foregrounding Urban Agendas: The New Urban Issue in European Experiences of Policy Making, (The Urban Books Series) Springer, Switzerland. 75-94.
- Reinholde, I., Stučka, M. (2018). La Remuneration du travail politique en Lettonie. Entre cadre national et adaptations locales. (Compensation of Political Work between national level and local level in Latvia)
- Stučka, M. (2018). Perception of Political Leadership in Local Governments in Latvia. Socialiniai tyrimai / Social Research. 2018, Vol. 41 (2), 112–123.