M.Sci.Soc. (University of Latvia, 2001)
Significant Professional Experience
Head of Law Library, Lecturer on Legal Research, 1999-
Managing Editor, “Baltic Yearbook of International Law”, 2018-
Library Programme Coordinator, Head of Law Library, Soros Foundation Latvia, 1996-1998
Head of Information Departament, Latvia State Archives General Directorate, 1993-1996
Relevant activities
Chairwoman of the Board, Consortium of Legal Resource Centres and Legal Information Specialists, 2003-
Deputy chairwoman of the Latvian Library Council, 2020-2023
Head of the Accreditation Commission of the university, scientific and special libraries, 2011-2015, 2017-2023
International expert in the EU project in Kosovo "EU support to the Ombudsperson Institution in Kosovo", 2021-2022
International expert in the EU project in Armenia "Consolidation of the justice system in Armenia", 2022
Board member, Association of Latvian Academic Libraries, 2019-2022
Key expert of the EU project “Further Support to Kosovo Legal Education Reform”, 2014-2015
Board member, International Association of Law Libraries (IALL), 2007-2013
International expert at the UEPLAC (Ukrainian-European Policy and Legal Advice Center) project in Ukraine (2010), EAR (European Agency for Reconstruction) project in Republic of Macedonia (2007-2008) and EC project for the support to the reform of the Parliament of Georgia (2008)
President, Association of Latvian Academic Libraries, 2001-2006
Lecturer, University of Latvia, 2000-2005
Responsible for:
management of the RGSL Law Library
RGSL publications - managing editor:
"Baltic Yearbook of International Law" (Brill, 2019-)
RGSL Research Papers,
"How International Law Works in Time of Crisis" (Oxford University Press, 2019)
RGSL homepage.