Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Legal Sciences, subfield of Civil Law (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 2023).
Professional Master`s Degree in Law, Lawyer`s Qualification (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 2019).
Social Science Bachelor`s Degree in Law Science (University of Latvia, Faculty of Law, 2017).
Significant Professional Experience
- February 2025 – Director of RGSL Bachelor Programmes
- February - March 2024 – Author, development of guidelines for the assessment of legal capacity and will, The Council of Sworn Notaries of Latvia
- 2020 – 2023 – University of Latvia, Faculty of Medicine
- 2019 – 2020 - Limited liability company “Jensen & Sviķis Legal”, BNT attorneys CEE (Riga, Latvia)
- 2015 - 2019 – Law Firm of the Sworn Advocate Viktors Tihonovs
Kadile L. Improvement of the Process of Assessing the Patient’s Decision-Making Capacity in Latvia: Legal, Ethical and Clinical Perspective: doctoral thesis (Ph.D.). Riga, 2023. Available:
Kadile L. Improvement of the process of assessing the patient’s decision-making capacity in Latvia: legal, ethical and clinical perspective: summary of doctoral thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Science (Ph.D.) in Legal Sciences, subfield of Civil Law (Health law). ISBN 9789934189920. Riga: University of Latvia, 2023. Available:
Kadile L. Zvērināta notāra pienākums novērtēt rīcībspēju cilvēkiem ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem (Notary’s Obligation to Assess the Capacity to Act of People with Mental Disabilities). In: Article collection in legal sciences, the 81st international scientific conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: The University of Latvia Press, pp. 180.-187.,
Kadile L. Health Care Decisions in Social Care Settings: General Regulation and Interpretation in CPT's Jurisprudence. Medicine, Law & Society, 2023, 16(1), p. 1-24, DOI: 10.18690/mls.16.1.1-24.2023Loseviča M., Kadile L. 2023. Healthcare Quality Indicators as a Tool for Safeguarding Patients with Limited Capacity and Physician Rights. Medical Sciences Forum 19, no. 1: 11.
Kadile L., Slokenberga S. Ārstniecības iestāžu darbības tiesiskie aspekti. (Legal aspects of the functioning of medical institutions). In: Medical law, second updated edition. Collective of authors under the scientific editorship of S. Slokenberga and S. Olsena. Riga: TNA, 2022, pp. 99.-123.
Olsena S., Kadile L. From Legal Capacity to Act to Decision Making Capacity in Latvian Patients’ Rights Law. New Legal Reality: Challenges and Perspectives. II The 8th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia 21–22 October 2021, Riga. p. 114-122. DOI:10.22364/iscflul.8.1.09
Olsena S., Kadile L. National Legal Framework to Protect the Right to Health and Right to Provide Health Care during the Covid Emergency Situation in Latvia. Medicine, Law & Society, 2021, 14(2). DOI: 10.18690/mls.14.2.461-482.2021
Kadile L. Gribas izpauduma nozīme tiesiska darījuma noslēgšanā. (The role of expression of Intent in legal transaction). Collection of research papers of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2021, pp.199-205., DOI:10.22364/juzk.79.20
Kadile L. Gribas izteikums kā tiesiska darījuma svarīgākais elements. (Expression of will as the most important element of a legal transaction). Mundus et. Idea. Homo. Communitas. Sciens: a collection of articles. Riga: The University of Latvia Press, 2021, pp. 91-100., ISBN 9789934186424, DOI:10.22364/lu.szk.2.rk.08
Kadile L. Lemtspējas un rīcībspējas institūtu nošķiršanas nepieciešamība Latvijas tiesībās. (The Necessity of Distinction between the Institutes of Decision-Making Capacity and Capacity to Act in Latvian Law). In: Jurista Vārds (Lawyer's Word), 15.03.2022., Nr. 11 (1225), pp. 11.-16.
Kadile L. Ceļā uz pacientu tiesību aizsardzības stiprināšanu Latvijā. (Towards strengthening the protection of patients' rights in Latvia). In: Jurista Vārds (Lawyer's Word), 15.03.2022., Nr. 11 (1225), p. 2.
Olsena S., Kadile L. Veselības aprūpe ārkārtas situācijas laikā: tiesiskā nihilisma piemērs. (Healthcare in an emergency situation: an example of legal nihilism). In: Jurista Vārds (Lawyer's Word), 16.02.2021., Nr. 7 (1169), pp. 35.-39.
Participation in international scientific conferences and seminars
- International Scientific Conference "Ius Commune in the Making: Innovation in the History of Law", Maastricht, The Netherlands. Report: "Obtaining patient`s consent in Latvian healthcare: past, present, and future". (11.05-12.05.2023.).
- 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session Admissibility and Justification of Limitations of Rights in Private International Law. Report: "Notary's obligation to assess the legal capacity of people with mental disabilities". (31.03.2023.).
- International Conference "One Health: A systematic approach to managing urban and natural resources”, Catania, Italia. Report: “Healthcare quality indicators as a tool for safeguarding patient with limited capacity and physician rights". (27.09.2022.).
- The 7th World Congress on Adult Capacity, Edinburgh, Scotland. Report: "CPT’s Jurisprudence on Capacity and Incapacity of People in Detention". (08.06.2022.).
- 8th European Conference on Health Law, Ghent (Belgium). Report: "Assessment of decision - making capacity of patients with capacity disorders during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Latvia". (20.04.2022.).
- 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session: "The International Scientific Conference on Medicine". Report: "Legal nature of agreements in health care". (25.03.2022.).
- 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Session "Latvian Private Law in the Turns of the Era". Report: "Lemtspējā ierobežotu pacientu aizsardzība Latvijā". (Protection of patients with limited decision-making capacity in Latvia). (08.02.2022.).
- The role of the institute of decision-making capacity in the protection of patients' rights. 8th International Scientific Conference "NEW LEGAL REALITY: CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS", Faculty of Law, University of Latvia (21.10.2021.).
- FORTHEM Alliance Scientific Conference "Post-Covid Europe: Economic, Legal, Political Perspectives" Graduate Conference (Online), report: "The right to health in Times of Pandemic in Latvia" (08.10.2021.).
- Forthem Annual Student conference "Europe today and tomorrow", report "Assessment of decision-making capacity as precondition for protection of patients` rights in Latvia", University of Burgundy, France. (05.05.2021.).
- International Scientific Conference on Medicine, 79th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, report "Ability to understand or control actions as precondition for capacity assessment in health care", Riga, Latvia. (23.04.2021.).
- "National Legal Framework to Protect the right to health during the Covid-19 Emergency State in Latvia". Conference "Responses to COVID crisis in Central and Eastern European Countries – New Frontiers of Health Law", Belgrade, Serbia. (18.03.2021.).
- The 79th Annual International Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), session "Contribution of Latvian researchers to mitigate the consequences of Covid-19", report "Opportunities and limitations of exercising EU cross-border patients` rights in emergency situations". (10.03.2021.).
- The 79th Annual International Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), session "Contribution of Latvian researchers to mitigate the consequences of Covid-19", report "Challenges of family physicians` work organisation during the Covid-19 pandemic". (10.03.2021.).
- The 79th Annual International Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), session "Civil law in times of changing circumstances", report: "The meaning of expression of intent in legal transactions". (09.02.2021.).
- University of Latvia Students' scientific conference "Mundus et...", report "The impact of disturbances of consciousness and will on the conclusion of legal transactions and its legal force". (22.10.2020.).
- The University of Latvia Foundation`s PHD scholarship holders’ session of the International Scientific Conference, report "The impact of disturbances of consciousness and will on the conclusion of legal transactions". (14.08.2020.).
- Riga Stradins University International Scientific-Practical Conference "Current Problems of the Legal System", report "The impact of disturbances of consciousness and will on the conclusion of legal transactions". (23.04.2020.).
- The 78th Annual International Conference of the University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia), report "The impact of disturbances of consciousness and will on the conclusion of legal transactions". (18.02.2020.).