
Ilze Rūse Dr.phil.

EU Decision Making - Institutional Law

Dr.phil. in Political Science (University of Salzburg, Centre of European Union Studies, 2011)
Master Degree in International Relations (Stockholm University, 2000)
Bachelor Degree in International Relations (Stockholm University, 1998)
Bachelor Degree in Natural Sciences (University of Latvia, 1983)

Academic Experience

  • 2020-onwards - Holder of the Jean Monnet Professorship by coordinating the project EU@RGSL
  • 2019 - Professor at Riga Graduate School of Law, European Politics
  • 2013-2019  Associate Professor at Riga Graduate School of Law, European Politics
  • 2012-2013 – Docent in European Politics, Riga Graduate School of Law
  • 2009-2011 – Visiting lecturer in European Politics, Riga Graduate School of Law
  • 2011-2013 – Visiting lecturer in European Politics, EuroCollege, Tartu University
  • 2009 – Research Fellow at Stockholm University, Political Science Department
  • 2009 (July-December) – Seconded expert to Swedish Council Presidency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • 2009-2011 Lecturer at Salzburg University, European Politics

Academic Assignments

  • Elected as a member of Latvian Science Council, 22 December 2016.

Other Professional Experience

  • 2021-present Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of Sweden
  • 2019-2021  Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia
  • 2016-2019   Non-resident Ambassador to the Kingdom of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • 2015-2019   Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • 2013-2015 – Director of European Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga
  • 2006-2009 – First Secretary, Embassy of Latvia in Vienna, Austria
  • 2003-2006 – Deputy Head/Head of COREPER I Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga
  • 2003-2006 – Lecturer at State Administration School
  • 2003 – Lecturer at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
  • 2002-2003 – Second Secretary, EU Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Riga
  • 1996-2002 – Attaché, Embassy of Latvia to Sweden, Stockholm


  • RGSL-lead and the EU-funded 7the FP Programme project (Proposal N° 333906) “Evaluating the Post-Lisbon Effects of Delegation in the EU External Relations” (implementation period 2013-2016).

Speaking engagements

  • Clingendael institute conference, 16 October, 2018, The Hague, Netherlands “Future Patterns of Coalition building in the EU”. Panel discussion.

  • TEPSA conference organized by Estonian Foreign policy institute, 6-7.September, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia

  • “Nordic-Baltic Visions for Europe: Does the EU unite or divide the Nordic-Baltic region?” Panel discussion http://www.tepsa.eu/estonian-foreign-policy-institute-key-takeaways-from-the-conference-nordic-baltic-visions-for-europe-september-2018/

  • ESIL conference, 8-10 September 2016, Riga, Latvia
    “Explaining the Global Acctorness of the EU’s External Action. The Case of the EU Global Security Strategy.”
  • UACES conference,  1-3 September 2014, Cork, Ireland
    Paper presentation: “Using the Opportunity of the EEAS Review for Controlling the Agent: A Principal-Agent Method in Explaining the EU’s Diplomatic Service”
  • UACES conference, 2-4 September 2013, Leeds, UK
    Paper presentation: “Effects of Delegation in Framing the EU’s External Policy”.
  • ECPR conference, 24-27 August, 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland
    Paper presentation: “Bargaining power of the Nordic-Baltic grouping in EU Council Negotiations”
  • Graduate Conference on the European Union, 9 April, 2011, Pittsburgh, US
    Paper presentation: “Bargaining Power of Institutionalized Cooperation. Case of the EU Climate change negotiations.”
  • Political Studies (PSA) Graduate Conference, 6-7 December 2010, Oxford.
    Paper presentation: “Bargaining Power of Institutionalized Coalitions in EU Council Negotiations”.


Book publications:

  • I.Ruse "Multiple Actors in Framing EU External Policy: The Case of the EU Global Security Strategy". In: How the International Law Works in Times of Crisis / edited by George Ulrich and Ineta Ziemele. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 59-70.
  • Ruse, I., ‘Nordic Cooperation in the EU Council: Does the Institutional Embeddedness Matter?’ (eds.) Caroline Howard Grøn, Peter Nedergaard and Anders Wivel ‘Still the other European Community? The Nordic Countries and the European Union’, Routledge, 2014
  • Ruse, I., ‘(Why) Do Neigbours Cooperate? Institutionalised Coalitions and Bargaining Power in EU Council Negotiations’, Barbara Budrich Verlag (Budrich Unipress Ltd.), 2013, 200 p.
  • Ruse, I.,Co-author and co-editor of the Handbook of the European Union for Latvian public administration on EU decision-making procedures, 2006  ( “Rokasgrāmata darbam ar ES jautājumiem“)

Journal articles:

  • "Multiple Actors in Framing the EU’s External Policy. The Case of the EU Global Security Strategy”, SSRN Papers, February 2017,  https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2912000  
  • ‘Civil Society Participation in Advocating Interests of the EU Legislators: The Case of Latvia’, Eastern European Politics and Societies, Vol.5, 2015, pp. 214-231 http://eep.sagepub.com/content/30/1/214.abstract
  • ‘Nordic-Baltic Interaction in European Union Negotiations: Taking Advantage of Institutionalized Cooperation‘. –  Journal of Baltic Studies, Vol.44, Nr. 3, 2013.
  • ‘Bargaining Power of Territorially Constituted Institutionalised Coalitions in EU Council Negotiations’, Journal of Contemporary European Research 8 (3) , pp. 319-339
  • Implications of the’ new comitology’ for the EU institutions and public administrations after the Lisbon Treaty.’ (‘Kas noticis ar komitoloģiju. Lisabonas līguma veikto izmaiņu ietekme uz ES institūciju un valsts pārvaldes darbu, žurnāls Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savienībā). Journal: Latvian Interests in the EU, 2012/3.
  • ’Preparing the Council Presidency. Case of Sweden’.(Gatavošanās ES prezidentūrai. Zviedrijas pieredze’ ), žurnāls Latvijas intereses Eiropas Savienībā ,Journal: Latvian Interests in the EU, 2012/1‘

Working paper:

  • Rūse, I. ‘Interešu pārstāvēšana ietekmējot Eiropas likumdošanu. Cik aktīvas ir Latvijas nevalstiskās organizācijas? Rīgas Juridiskā augstskola. Research Papers. Nr.10, 2012