PhD cand. (University of Latvia)
LL.M. International and European Law (University of Amsterdam, 2007)
Master of Law, International Law (University of Latvia, 2006)
Bachelor of Law (University of Latvia, 2005)
Significant Professional Experience
- Since 2008 – Lecturer in International Law, Riga Graduate School of Law
- 2014-2015, Expert, Permanent Mission of Latvia to the United Nations (New York). Main responsibilities: State representation at the UN General Assembly 6th Committee and other working groups, International Criminal Court, and Chair of EU Council COJUR-ICC Working group during the Presidency of Latvia to the EU Council
- 2013-2015, Visiting Research Fellow, Fordham Law School
- 2005-2008, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, European and International Law department, Criminal Law department. Main responsibilities: International treaty law, Implementation of EU directives, representation at EU working groups, State Representative at the International Criminal Court
- 2003-2005, Senior Expert, Ministry of Justice, European Affairs Coordination department, International Relations department. Main responsibilities: Bilateral relations, diplomatic protocol and etiquette
- 2001-2003, Editor, Journal “Law and Justice”
- Since 2012 – Member of Advisory Council of Independent Experts of International and European Union Law to the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- 2014-2015 – Member of New York City Bar Association, International Law Committee
- 2011-2014 – Researcher in the EU research project “European Universities on Professionalization on Humanitarian Action” (EUPRHA), Member of the Steering Committee
- 2008-2011 – Researcher in EU Framework Programme 7 research project “Regulating the Privatisation of War: the Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights” (PRIV-WAR), Member of the Steering Committee
- Since 2008 – Member of the Steering Group of the Latvian Red Cross International Humanitarian Law Expert Network
Current research
- Impact of the UN Security Council determinations on state responsibility.
I Miluna, commentary "The Meaning of Latvia being involved as a Third Party in case "Ukraine versus Russian Federation"", available at: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2 August 2022,
I Miluna, 'Human Rights and Values', in: R Bambals (ed.) Handbook Against Disinformation: to Recognize and Resist. Riga: State Chancellery, 2022 (in Latvian)
I Miluna, ‘Ukrainian War and International Law’, Jurista Vārds, 22 March 2022, No. 12(1226) (in Latvian)
I Miluna, ‘Practice of the UN Security Council in Light of State Responsibility (1945-1975)’, In: Law and Legal Environment in Changing Circumstances. Collection of research papers of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2021, available at: (in Latvian)
I Miluna, ‘Latvian Tradition in State Responsibility’ in: Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 19 (2020)
I Miluna, Report on Latvia, in: LR Barroso, R Albert (eds) The International Review of Constitutional Reform, 2021, available at:
I Miluna, 'Latvian Legal System and Legal Research', GlobaLex, NYU, May/June 2021, available at:
I Miluna, What would be the Latvian interests at the UN Security Council? Latvian news portal, 8 March 2021, available at: (in Latvian)
Contributor to Trend report "Hybrid threats and the law: Concepts, trends and implications", European Center of Excellence for Countering Hybrid Threats, April 2020, available at:
I Miluna, The practice of the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council. Jurista Vārds dedicated to the Commemoration of the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, 20 October 2020, No 42(1152) (in Latvian)
I Miluna, Erga omnes obligations and its protection by the UN organs. Jurista Vārds, 25 August 2020, No 34(1144) (in Latvian)
I Miluna, Is the UN Security Council bound by International law? In: Application of the International and European Union Law in the National Courts. Collection of research papers of the 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. Riga: University of Latvia Press, 2020, pp. 95-100 (in Latvian)
I Miluna, Whether the US Peace plan for the Middle East complies with International law?, Jurista Vārds, 18 February 2020, No 7 (1117) (in Latvian)
Together with E Poga, 'Legal Aspects of Defense Cooperation', in: O Nikers, O Tabuns (eds), Baltic Security Strategy Report. What the Baltics Can Offer for a Stronger Alliance, The Jamestown Foundation, 2019, available at:
I Miluna, Legal Components of the Latvian Compensation Claim (Extended version), Jurista Vārds, 27 August 2019, No 34 (1092) (in Latvian)
I Miluna, Legal Components of the Latvian Compensation Claim, Jurista Vārds, 2 April 2019, No 13 (1071) (in Latvian)
- I Miluna, ‘Adjudication in deportation cases of Latvia and international law‘, in: U. Belavusau, A. Gliszcynska-Grabias (eds), Law and Memory. Towards Legal Governance of History, (Cambridge University Press, 2017)
- I Miluna, ‘What Does the Uniting for Peace Resolution Mean for the Role of the UN Security Council?’ In: AJIL Unbound, 17 July 2014, available at:
- I Miluna, ‘The Jurisdictional Competence and Applicable Law with regard to Private Military and Security Companies’, in: C Bakker, M Sossai (eds) Multilevel Regulation of Military and Security Contractors: The Interplay between International, European and Domestic Norms (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2012)
- I Miluna, ‘The Baltic States’ (The Regulatory Context of Provision of Private Military and Security Services in the Baltic States), in: C Bakker, M Sossai (eds) Multilevel Regulation of Military and Security Contractors: The Interplay between International, European and Domestic Norms (Hart Publishing, Oxford 2012)
- I Miluna, The Syrian Crisis and International Law, Jurista Vārds, 28 February 2017, No 9 (963) (in Latvian)
- I Miluna, ‘Republic of Latvia Materials on International Law 2011-2012’ in: 13 Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2013
- I Miluna, ‘Republic of Latvia Materials on International Law 2010’ in: 11 Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2011
- PRIV-WAR project report, I Miluna, ‘Reparation for internationally wrongful conduct by private military and security companies’, 30 June 2011
- Kopā ar R Liivoja, National Report for Latvia, Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law 2010
- I Miluna, ‘Republic of Latvia Materials on International Law 2009’ in: 10 Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2010
I Miluna, Discussion “State Responsibility: the Latvian Tradition and Topical Issues, Jurista Vārds, 21 September 2010, No 38 (633) (in Latvian)
- I Miluna, ‘Republic of Latvia Materials on International Law 2008’ in: 9 Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2009
- K Nyman-Metcalf and I Miluna (eds) European Union and the Rule of Law: Latvian Experience (Riga Graduate School of Law, 2009) (in Latvian)
- PRIV-WAR project report, I Miluna, ‘The Regulatory Context of Private Military and Security Services in Lithuania’, 2009
- PRIV-WAR project report, I Miluna, ‘The Regulatory Context of Private Military and Security Services in Estonia’, 2009
- PRIV-WAR project report, I Miluna together with S Zaharova, ‘The Regulatory Context of Private Military and Security Services in Latvia’, 2009
- Kopā ar M Paparinski, ‘Republic of Latvia Materials on International Law 2007’ in: 8 Baltic Yearbook of International Law, 2008
- I Miluna, Latvijas interešu aizsardzība Ziemeļeiropas gāzesvada būvniecībā. Starptautiski procesuālie aspekti.’ Latvijas Vēstnesis, Jurista Vārds, 05.12.2006, Nr. 48(451)
- Kopā ar Z. Ratnieci, ‘Lai labāk izprastu Eiropas Kopienas tiesības’, Latvijas Vēstnesis, Jurista Vārds, 13.08.2003, Nr. 27/28(285/286)
- I Miluna, Proposals for Enforcement of Independent Judiciary, Likums un Tiesības, December 2001 (in Latvian)
Speaking engagements
Interview for Latvia Radio 1 in cooperation with Latvian Institute of International Affairs, broadcast "(non)Diplomatic lunch", 14 January 2025, available at:
“The Implementation of the UN Security Council “legislative” resolutions”, University of Latvia 82nd International Scientific Conference, 23 February 2024
“Preconditions for State International Responsibility”, opening of the book “Arbitrariness of State authority. Illegalities and Crimes of Repressive Institutions in Latvia”, Latvian Occupation Research Association, 19 February 2024
Opening of the 21st Volume of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law, Riga Graduate School of Law, 16 February 2024
Discussion «Deoccupation of the Crimea and constructing a regional security architecture», Ukrainian Embassy in Latvia, 13 December 2023
Discussion at LTV1 Kas notiek Latvijā? "What happens after "Hamas" attack on Israel?", available at:
Interview for LTV1 on international criminal law aspects due to war in Ukraine, available at: (1:03:16)
Interview for on the consequences of pseudoreferenda in Ukraine, available at:
Presentation in discussion: The Most Frequently Discussed Legal Issues in Relation to Russia's Invasion in Ukraine, law firm Cobalt, 14 April 2022, available at:
Interview for the Latvian Television on Russia's invasion in Ukraine, available at (10:19):
“Rule of Law Aspects of the UN Security Council”, University of Latvia 80th International Scientific Conference, International Law and EU Law section, 25 February 2022, Latvia
“Latvian Tradition in the Development of Concept of State Responsibility”, RGSL seminar “Latvian Tradition in International Law”, 2 November 2021, Latvia
“The Impact of the UN Security Council Determinations on State Responsibility”, RGSL 2nd Student Research Paper Conference, 24 September 2021, Latvia
"The practice of the UN Security Council in the years 1945-1975 in light of State responsibility", University of Latvia 79th International Scientific Conference, International Law and EU Law section, 5 February 2021, Latvia
"Erga omnes obligations and their protection by the UN organs", Seminar “Launch of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law at the RGSL: The ICJ Judgment in The Gambia v. Myanmar case - highlight of modern international law”, Riga Graduate School of Law, 2 March 2020, Latvia
"Is the UN Security Council bound by International Law?", University of Latvia 78th International Scientific Conference, Public International Law and EU Law section, 13 February, 2020, Latvia
"UN Security Council and International Humanitarian Law", Public lecture, Rezekne Academy of Technology, 2 November 2019, Latvia
“The Root Causes of Hybrid Warfare”, in the framework of the conference “Legal Resilience in the Era of Hybrid Threats” closed working group, 10 April 2019, Exeter, UK
“Legal Components of Latvian Compensation Claim”, Latvian Ministry of Justice conference “The Assessed Loss of the USSR Occupation”, 22 March 2019, Riga, Latvia
“Legal Aspects of Baltic States Military Cooperation”, The Baltic Security Strategy Project, Defense and Deterrence Recommendations Workshop, 10 May 2018, Baltic Defense College, Tartu, Estonia
“The Syrian Crisis and International Criminal Justice”, Public discussion at the Trento University, Faculty of Law, 26 April 2018, Italy
“Other State Experience of Enforcement of Compensation Claims at International Judicial Institutions”, Discussion speech at the Latvian Occupation Research Society, 23 January 2018, Riga, Latvia
- ‘Georgia, Ukraine, North Korea – Kaleidoscope of International Law’, in round-table discussion “Georgia, Ukraine, North Korea – Kaleidoscope of International Law”, 15 December 2017, Riga
- ‘The Most Important Cases at the European Court of Human Rights Against Latvia’, in discussion “The Impact of Municipal Newspapers on the Freedom of Press in Latvia”, 14 November 2017, Riga
- ‘State Derogations from Human Rights: Modern Practice’, in “Norbert Reich Memorial Lecture and Seminar”, 29 June 2017, Riga
- Discussant of the paper of Olexiy Plotnikov on the Derogation from ECHR in the context of armed conflict, in conference “Derogation from the European Convention on Human Rights under Contemporary Situations of Emergency”, 4 May 2017, University of Graz, Austria
- ‘Syrian Crisis and International Law’, in round-table discussion “Syrian Crisis and Enforcement of International Law”, 6 February 2017, Riga
‘Placement of Tactical Nuclear Weapons under the Non-Proliferation Treaty in Modern Conflicts’, in conference “Peace and Justice”, 26-27 March 2015, Tours, France
‘Reception of the UN Security Council resolutions by the EU’, in roundtable discussion “Rule of Law in International Affairs”, 19 September 2012, Riga
‘Lack of the UN Security Council Resolutions and Military Interventions’, in The George C. Marshall Center and U.S. European Command 5th Annual International Legal Conference “Legal Advisors and Future Operations”, 4-7 September 2012, Riga
‘Legal stakes (Private military and security companies and international humanitarian law, human rights, liability law)’ in workshop “Europe and private military companies”, European Commission FP7 research project “Regulating Privatisation of ‘War’: the Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights” (PRIV-WAR), 29 June 2011, Paris
‘Latvian tradition in State responsibility’ in roundtable discussion “State responsibility: Latvian tradition and contemporary issues”, Riga Graduate School of Law, 23 September 2010, Riga
Moderator of session ‘Linking Self-regulation and Statutory Regulation: Legislative models’ in workshop “The Public-Private Interface in the Management of Private Military and Security Companies”, European Commission FP7 research project “Regulating Privatisation of ‘War’: the Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights” (PRIV-WAR), 21 May 2010, Berlin
‘Multi-national operations and international humanitarian law’, Baltic Summer Academy on International Humanitarian Law, 20 July 2009, Liškiava, Lithuania
Summary report on the national regulatory framework of private military and security companies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in workshop “National Legislation and Case-Law related to PMSCs”, European Commission FP7 research project “Regulating Privatisation of ‘War’: the Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights” (PRIV-WAR), European University Institute, 13 March 2009, Florence
‘Human Rights in Context of the Proclaimed Global ‘War on Terrorism’’, Celebrating Human Rights Day, 10 December 2008, Stockholm School of Economics in Riga
‘Human Rights in Context of the Proclaimed Global ‘War on Terrorism’’, Annual Conference of the Ombudsman’s Bureau “Human Rights and Security”, 10 December 2008, Riga
‘Individual criminal responsibility of soldiers for violations of international humanitarian law during the mission’, international humanitarian law conference “A Sea of Peace in an Ocean of Conflict – the Baltic Region and International Humanitarian Law”, 17 October 2008, Riga
‘Consequent Foreign Policy in Context of International Law in Force’, Annual Constitutional Law Seminar, 30 July 2008, Bīriņi, Latvia
Coached the Riga Graduate School of Law teams for participation at Telders International Law Moot Court Competition, Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court Competition and Dišlers constitutional law moot court competition. Active judge at the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition.
She has lectured on international law in the framework of Erasmus mobility at the Deusto university (Spain), Trento university (Italy), François Rabelais university (France), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (The Netherlands).