Visiting professors and visiting lecturers

Alessio Bartolacelli PhD

Visiting Associate Professor
European Company Law

PhD in Business Law, University of Brescia, 2008
LLM in Jurisprudence – major in Business and Company Law, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2004

Significant Professional Experience  

  • Since 2018 - Associate Professor of Business Law, University of Macerata, Department of Law
  • Since 2020 – Jean Monnet Chair of Business Law in the European Union and Sustainable Economy at the University of Macerata, Department of Law
    • Departmental Co-deputy for Research and International Relations; member of the departmental research committee
    • Departmental deputy for Erasmus Programme (Courses L-14, L-39, LM-63, LM-87, LM-SC.GIUR.)
    • Coordinator of CIELIP (Comparative, International and European Law and Innovation Programme) and Transnational Law & Culture Programmes
    • Member of the board of the PhD Course in Law and Innovation (dottorato di ricerca in Diritto e Innovazione)
    • Member of the University of Macerata's Spin-offs Technical Committee
    • Member of the branch "Applied Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences"
    • Member of the University's Research Centre for Maritime and Transport Law Studies (CUSMAT)
    • Member of the Editorial Committee of Radio Università di Macerata (RadioRUM)
  • 2015-18 - Senior Lecturer of Business Law, University of Macerata, Department of Law
  • 2015 - Research Fellow in Business Law, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Department of Legal Sciences "A. Cicu"
  • 2011-2014 - TRENTINO & Marie Curie Fellow, University of Trento, Faculty of Law
  • 2009-2010 - Research Fellow in Business Law, University of Trento, Department of Legal Sciences

Current research

  • European and Comparative Business Law
  • Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
  • Hybrid financial instruments in corporations
  • Innovative and social companies, benefit corporations
  • Business ethics, CSR, sustainability and company law
  • Law and religion

Main publications

In English Language

Articles in review & book chapters

  • A. BARTOLACELLI, In the Middle of Nowhere. The Never-ending Transition of Italian Società a Responsabilità Limitata (SRL), in M. Meccarelli, C. Paixão, C.R. Roesler (eds), Innovation and transition in law: experiences and theoretical settings, Carlos III University of Madrid, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI. The EEIG in Italy and the Role of the EEIG in the Agriculture Economy (title tbc), in H.J. Zahorka (ed), 30 Jahre EWIV, LIBERTAS, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, M. BIANCHI, H.S. BIRKMOSE, M GARGANTINI, S. GOMTSYAN, A. LAFARRE, M.B. MADSEN, C. MALBERTI, J. MAYER, M. MILIC, K. SERGAKIS, U. TORGGLER, C. VAN DERL ELST, Enforcement, in Hanne S. Birkmose & Konstantinos Sergakis (eds), Shareholder Rights Directive II: A Commentary, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Facilitation of exercise of shareholders rights, in Hanne S. Birkmose & Konstantinos Sergakis (eds), Shareholder Rights Directive II: A Commentary, Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, The Unsuccessful Pursuit for Sustainability in Italian Business Law, in Beate K. Sjåfjell & Christopher Bruner (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 290-303;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Capital Requirements and the Abuse of Companies, in Hanne S. Birkmose, Mette Neville & Karsten Engsig Sørensen (eds), Abuse of Companies, Wolters Kluwer, 2019, 179-207;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, A New(?) Framework(?) on Digitalisation in European(?) Company(?) Law?, in InterEULawEast 2018.2, 1-68;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, F. MONTI, Italian Business and Banking Law, in Essentials of the Law of the Belt and Road Countries - Italy, Spain, Turkey, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, 2018, 62-98 (Chinese version, 2019);
  • F. MARONGIU BUONAIUTI, P. LATTANZI, A. BARTOLACELLI, Foreign Trade System and Law, in Essentials of the Law of the Belt and Road Countries - Italy, Spain, Turkey, Zhejiang University Press, Zhejiang, 2018, 28-48 (Chinese version, 2019);
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Almost Capital-less Companies in Europe: Trends, Variations, Competition, in European Company and Financial Law Review 2017, 187-233;
  • R. GUIDOTTI, A. BARTOLACELLI, Societas Unius Personae from the Italian Perspective, in the book: J.A. Viera González, C. Teichmann (eds), Private Companies in Europe: The Societas Unius Personae (SUP) and the Recent Developments in the EU Member States, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2016, 89-120;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, The New Italian Almost Capital-less Private Companies: a Brand New Tile in the Mosaic, in European Company and Financial Law Review 2016, 665-707;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Legal Capital is Out - EEIG is Cool! How The Evaporation of Legal Capital in EU Private Companies can be a Revival for EEIGs, in S. Farran-J. Gallen-J. Hendry-C. Rautenbach (eds), The Diffusion of Law: The Movement of Laws and Norms Around the World, Ashgate, Oxford, 2015, 91-107;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Romanian EEIG (GEIE) Implementation Law: a Draft, in 10 EWIV-EEIG-GEIEEJOURNAL 2013, 23-29

Book reviews

  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Book Review: "Cross-Border Mergers: EU Perspectives and National Experiences", edited by Thomas Papadopoulos. (Cham, Springer. 2019), in (41) Business Law Review, 2020, 66-67;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, German Law on GmbH in English: Interesting for Investors: review of C. Jungmann, D. Santoro, "German GmbH Law. Das deutsche GmbH-Recht (A Guide to the German Company with Limited Liability Including Bilingual Versions of the Relevant Statutes)", in European Union Foreign Affairs Journal, 2011, 2/3, 214 s.

In Italian Language:


  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il GEIE "italiano" tra impresa e società [The ‘Italian’ EEIG Between Firm and Company], IX-255, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2014, ISBN: 978-88-6342-691-5; digital version: 978-88-8443-578-1.
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, La partecipazione non azionaria nella s.p.a. – Gli strumenti finanziari partecipativi [Non-shareholder Membership in a Corporation], pp. XV-341, Giuffrè, Milan, 2012, ISBN: 88-14-17528-4.
  • Articles in review, case notes & book chapters
  • F. CUCCU, E. GINEVRA, M. TOLA, G. CARRARO, S. ORRU, A. BARTOLACELLI, Rapporto nazionale sull’Italia [Report on Italian legal system], for the SMART project, University of Oslo, forthcoming;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Sistema disgiuntivo e società a responsabilità limitata [Disjoint management system in private companies], in Alessio Bartolacelli, Rolandino Guidotti, Elisabetta Pederzini & Filippo Rossi (eds), Saggi in tema di amministrazione delle società (title tbc), forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il diritto commerciale nel tempo della pandemia, in E. Calzolaio (ed), Il diritto nella pandemia, EUM, Macerata, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 144 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 143 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 142 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 141 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 138 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 137 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 136 [Proxy solicitation], in V. Calandra Buonaura (ed), Commentario breve al Testo Unico della Finanza, CEDAM, Padua, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Trent'anni di GEIE [EEIG's 30th anniversary], in Elena Cedrola & Gianluca Busilacchi, La forza delle reti, Aracne, Rome, forthcoming 2020;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico (GEIE) [European Economic Interest Grouping], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, 4th edition, Giappichelli, Turin, 2020, 235-264;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Armonizzazione, concorrenza e convergenza tra ordinamenti: evidenze dal diritto delle società a responsabilità limitata in Europa e in Italia [Harmonisation, Regulatory Competition and Convergence in Italian and European Private Companies], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, 4th edition, Giappichelli, Turin, 2020, 157-196;
  • C. TEICHMANN, A. BARTOLACELLI, Trasferimento della sede sociale all’estero e trasformazione transfrontaliera all’interno dell’Unione Europea [Cross-border conversions and transfer of seat in the EU], in Guido Canavesi (ed), Tempo e spazio nella dimensione giuridica, economica e sociale, Editoriale Scientifica, Naples, 2020, 93-127;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, I migranti e l’impresa. Spunti e dati sull’imprenditorialità degli immigrati in Italia [Enterprise and migrants; Data and remarks on immigrants' entrepreneurship in Italy], in Guido Canavesi (ed), Dinamiche del diritto, migrazione e uguaglianza relazionale, EUM, Macerata, 2019, 217-248;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Struttura e funzionamento dell'organo amministrativo [Corporate governance and management in Italian private companies], in E. Pederzini, R. Guidotti (eds), La governance delle società a responsabilità limitata, CEDAM, Padua, 2018, 171-232;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Trasformazione transfrontaliera e la sentenza Polbud: corale alla fine del viaggio?, case note to CGUE C-106/16, 25 October 2017 [Polbud decision], in Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 2018, II, 428-454;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2248 [Commentary: Co-ownership and Partnership], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3079-3081;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2249 [Commentary: Principle of Typical Partnerships], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3081-3087;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2250 [Commentary: Informations to Be Disclosed], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3087-3090;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2421 [Commentary: Mandatory Company Books], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3603-3607;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2422 [Commentary: Right of Information], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3607-3609;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2501 [Commentary: Mergers], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3906-3908;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2503 [Commentary: Rights of Creditors in Mergers], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3924-3926;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2503-bis [Commentary: Rights of Bondholders in Mergers], in M. Franzoni, R. Rolli (eds), Codice civile commentato, Giappichelli, Turin, 2018, 3926-3928;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Le società benefit: responsabilità sociale in chiaroscuro [Italian Benefit Corporations: Uncertain CSR], in Non Profit magazine, 2017, 253-286;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2463bis [Simplified Italian Private Companies], in A. Maffei Alberti (ed), Commentario Breve al diritto delle società, CEDAM, Padua, 2017, 4th edition, 1347-1362;
  • A. ROSSI, A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2247 [Concept of Partnership/Company], in A. Maffei Alberti (ed), Commentario Breve al diritto delle società, CEDAM, Padua, 2017, 4th edition, 3-23;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Ant. ROSSI, Il Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico (GEIE) [European Economic Interest Grouping], in Diritto societario europeo e internazionale, edited by Massimo V. Benedettelli, Marco Lamandini, UTET, Turin, 2016, 565-602;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il progetto per uno European Model Company Act (EMCA) [The Project for the EMCA], in Diritto societario europeo e internazionale, edited by Massimo V. Benedettelli, Marco Lamandini, UTET, Turin, 2016, 689-709;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il progetto di direttiva in materia di società unipersonale (Proposta SUP) [The Project for a European SUP Directive], in Diritto societario europeo e internazionale, edited by Massimo V. Benedettelli, Marco Lamandini, UTET, Turin, 2016, 649-688;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, La società a responsabilità limitata semplificata dopo la legge 99/2013 [Simplified Italian Private Companies], in M. Bione, R. Guidotti, E. Pederzini (eds), La nuova società a responsabilità limitata. Aggiornamento 2016, CEDAM, Padua, 2017, 27-57;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, La Societas Unius Personae (SUP): verso un nuovo modello societario unipersonale europeo? [The SUP: Towards a New European Single-Member Company?], in Le nuove leggi civili commentate 2016, 601-655;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico (GEIE) [European Economic Interest Grouping], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, 3rd edition, Giappichelli, Turin, 2016, 229-258;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Armonizzazione, concorrenza e convergenza tra ordinamenti: evidenze dal diritto delle società a responsabilità limitata in Europa e in Italia [Harmonisation, Regulatory Competition and Convergence in Italian and European Private Companies], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, 3rd edition, Giappichelli, Turin, 2016, 139-174;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, sub art. 2463bis [Simplified Italian Private Companies], in A. Maffei Alberti (ed), Commentario Breve al diritto delle società, CEDAM, Padua, 2015, 3rd edition, 1270-1289;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Nuove esperienze europee in tema di costituzione “semplificata" e “a basso costo" di società con responsabilità limitata [New European Experiences Regarding Simplified and Low-Cost Private Companies], in Giurisprudenza commerciale 2015, I, 382-408;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, L'insostenibile leggerezza dell's.r.l.s. Nell'intricata "matassa" delle "nuove" s.r.l.: ricercare un bandolo o tagliare il filo? [The Unsustainable Lightness of the Italian Simplified Private Company], in 2/2014, 1-60;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Società chiusa e capitale sociale minimo: tendenze europee [Closed Companies and Legal Capital: European Trends], in Giurisprudenza commerciale 2014, I, 519-552;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Strumenti finanziari partecipativi di s.p.a. ed applicazione nell'ambito dell'impresa aeroportuale [Hybrid Securities and Airport Enterprises], in, v. 2013, 1-10;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, “Novissime" modifiche alla disciplina della s.r.l.s.: saggio minimo di diritto transitorio [Latest Amendments to Simplified Italian Private Companies: Short Essay of Temporary Law], in Il nuovo diritto delle società 2013, n. 16, 7-30;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Recesso per causa diversa da deliberazione [Shareholder’s Appraisal Right Not Grounded on a Shareholders’ Meeting Decision], in L. Foffani-M.C. Fregni-R. Lambertini (eds), Liber amicorum per Massimo Bione, Giuffrè, Milan, 2011, 1-28;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Il Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico [European Economic Interest Grouping], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, Giappichelli, Turin, 2011, 2nd edition, 177-204;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, La collaborazione transfrontaliera tra imprese. Il Gruppo Europeo di Interesse Economico [European Economic Interest Grouping], in E. Pederzini (ed), Percorsi di diritto societario europeo, Giappichelli, Turin, 2007, 195-220;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Brevi note su forma e modalità di esercizio del diritto di recess [Short Notes on the Exercise of the Right of Appraisal], comment to the decision Appello Milano 13 maggio 2003, in Giurisprudenza commerciale, 2005, II, 339-357;
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Profili del recesso ad nutum nella società per azioni [Profiles of Shareholder’s Free Appraisal in a Corporation], in Contratto e impresa, 2004, 3, 1125-1167

Edited books

  • V. CALANDRA BUONAURA, A. BARTOLACELLI, F. ROSSI, L'ordinamento italiano del mercato finanziario tra continuità e innovazioni [Italian Financial Market System between Continuity and Innovation], VI-266, Giuffrè, Milan, 2014, ISBN 978-88-14183-645

In Other Languages

Articles in review & book chapters

  • A. BARTOLACELLI, O controlo de identidade do sócio fundador nas mais recentes propostas da Comissão Europeia [Shareholder's identity check in Company Law Package Proposal], in V Congresso Direito das Sociedades em Revista, Almedina, Coimbra, 2018, 107-139 [in Portuguese Language];
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Equity Crowdfunding y empresas innovadoras en Italia [Equity Crowdfunding in Italy], in E. Moreno Serrano, L. Cazorla (eds), Crowdfunding: Aspectos Legales, Thomson Reuters Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, 2016, 111-132 [in Spanish language];
  • D. OPRYSHKO, A. BARTOLACELLI, (Італія) Співпраця між підприємствами: особливості законодавства України та Європейського Союзу [Cooperation between Enterprises: Specific Issues of Ukrainian and European Union Legislation], in ЮРИДИЧНИЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ПРАВО УКРАЇНИ» 3/2015, 135-144 [in Ukrainian language];
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, Á procura da simplificação. Notas comparativas entre as recentes alterações da disciplina das SQ portuguesas e SRL italianas [Looking for Simplification. Comparative Notes between Portuguese SQ and Italian SRL], in 12 Direito das sociedades em revista 2014, 153-195 [in Portuguese Language];
  • A. BARTOLACELLI, EWIV mit Sitz oder Partnern in Italien: Besonderheiten in Recht und Steuern Das Beispiel des norditalienischen Trentino: Warum nicht kooperieren? [EEIG with Seat or Members in Italy: Evidences in Law and Taxes. The Example of Trentino. Why Not Cooperating?], in 10, EWIVEEIG-GEIE-EJOURNAL 2013, 16-18 [in German Language]


  • J.M. COUTINHO DE ABREU, Anche i codici di commercio passano (original in Portuguese: Os códigos comerciais também passam), in RivistaODC, 1/2018.